26 October, 2013

Bonding between you and your hubby

Check your Bonding and love with your partner

Circle the values in column 1 that are most important to you. Consider that some values may initially appeal to you but upon deeper reflection (column 2) you realize that you don’t always hold them as a priority. Then rank them in importance from 1-14. Discuss with your fiancĂ©(e) or spouse.

1. Honesty Yes, but sometimes it’s OK to fudge.
2. Commitment Sure, but some commitments are just too hard to keep.
3. Fidelity I don’t plan on having an affair but who knows the future.
4. Loyalty It might be necessary to violate a loyalty if another’s safety is at risk.
5. Devotion to parents Parents are important, but spouse comes first.
6. Generosity I’ll give, but only after I’ve taken care of myself.
7. Peacemaking Sometimes evil needs to be confronted, even with violence.
8. Living simply I work hard for my money. Why can’t I enjoy its rewards?
9. Kindness Some people are too kind and others take advantage of them.
10. Self-control I believe in being flexible and spontaneous, not being uptight.
11. Education Education is over-rated. I wouldn’t sacrifice current wants for it.
12. Sacrifice Suffering and delayed gratification have no use and are to be avoided.
13. Friendship Friends are nice, but family and spouse are more important.
14. Children I value my freedom more.

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